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The sightline analysis of a total of 11,543 seats and 5,07,892 sightlines reveals the following -

  • Side Stage Layout - 94.23 % seats are categorised as Excellent , 0.00 % seats are categorised as Reduced or Bad 
  • Centre Stage Layout - 96.68 % seats are categorised as Excellent , 0.00 % seats are categorised as Reduced or Bad

For each seat in the auditorium 44 sightlines are projected equidistantly on it’s corresponding 10.00 m x 1.00 m vertical analysis plane on the stage. The sightlines that intersect with human representation on other seats or built mass are considered as ‘Obstructed sightline’. The number of sightlines without any such intersection gives us the percentage of ‘Unobstructed View’. 

Percentage of Unobstructed View of Seat S(i) = (Number of Sightlines without Intersection from Seat S(i)) / (Total number of Sightlines from Seat S(i))

Analysis Plane 
The analysis plane is a 10.00 m wide and 1.00 m high surface positioned at the center of stage, 1.00 m above the stage FFL. The surface is divided into an equidistant grid of 11 x 4 (44 points in total), each of which points is used for projecting sightlines from all the seats. 

Human Representation
Human body is represented as a cylinder of radius 0.30 m and height 1.00 m with a sphere of radius 0.12 m aligned bottom to top to the cylinder to represent the head of a human. 

Eye Level
The eye level of human representation is taken at 1.15 m from FFL as shown in the diagram.  

Result Categorisation
Each seat is assigned a colour based on it’s percentage of unobstructed view according to the following categorisation - 
  • Bad - Black < 25.00 % 
  • Reduced - Red 25.00 % to 49.99 %
  • Acceptable - Orange 50.00 % to 74.99 %
  • Good - Yellow 75.00 % to 89.99 %
  • Excellent - Green > 89.99 %

Rhino is used to model the auditorium. Grasshopper is used to iteratively execute the logic and produce colour-coordinated images through a customised script. Finally, output from Grasshopper is tabulated in Excel for future reference.